Martin’s Pale Ale from Belgium
Country Belgium
Brewer N.V. John Martin S.A.
Foundation 1909
Alcohol 5.8%
Distinctive dry-hopped with a warm amber colour and a creamy head.
Passendale from Belgium
Country Belgium
Brewer Duvel Moortgat
Alcohol 6.0%
Good scent and not so bad balance.
Orval from Belgium
Trappists used to brew beers for pilgrims in The Middle Ages because water was not suitable for drink use and talking of travelers, it was pilgrims and talking of inn, it is monasteries at that time. Beers had been brewed at monasteries until Reformation period in Europe.
The history of Orval is stared in 1070 A.D! Orval produces just one Trappist beer of awesome complexity and depth of flavours.
The name of Orval is from "D'Or Val" (The Golden Valley), according to legend, a Tuscan Princess lost her ring in a lake in the valley and vowed to build an monastery there if the ring were returned to her. A trout broke the surface of the water with the ring in its mouth. The image is now the logo of the brewery.
Trappists used to brew beers for pilgrims in The Middle Ages because water was not suitable for drink use and talking of travelers, it was pilgrims and talking of inn, it is monasteries at that time. Beers had been brewed at monasteries until Reformation period in Europe.
The history of Orval is stared in 1070 A.D! Orval produces just one Trappist beer of awesome complexity and depth of flavours.
The name of Orval is from "D'Or Val" (The Golden Valley), according to legend, a Tuscan Princess lost her ring in a lake in the valley and vowed to build an monastery there if the ring were returned to her. A trout broke the surface of the water with the ring in its mouth. The image is now the logo of the brewery.
Country Belgium
Brewer Brasserie D’Orval S.A.
Foundation 1070
Alcohol 6.2%
It is bitter taste with herb scent and strong carbonated. Best served at 12-14 C.
Affligem from Belgium
Country Belgium
Brewer Afflibem Broumerij BDS N.V. in Opmijk
Foudation 1074
Affligem Dubbel
Bios Vlaamse Bourgogne from Belgium
Country Belgium
Brewer Van Steenberge in Ertvelde
Alcohol 5.5%
It is amber coloured beer with acidity. Less foam but strong carbonated.
Bruegel from Belgium
Talking of Bruegel, the name is a famous Belgian drawer who drew peasants pictures. The label of beer take up his work and Flanders peasants are crazy about beers, especially Lambic.
Although the beer, Bruegel, is not Lambic style, it is full-body taste and very good taste.
Talking of Bruegel, the name is a famous Belgian drawer who drew peasants pictures. The label of beer take up his work and Flanders peasants are crazy about beers, especially Lambic.
Although the beer, Bruegel, is not Lambic style, it is full-body taste and very good taste.
Country Belgium
Brewer Br. Van Steenberge in Ertvelde
Alcohol 5.2%
It is brown beer with creamy foam. The taste is full-body and little bit sweet taste.
Kasteel Blond from Belgium
Country Belgium
Brewer Br. Van Honsebrouck in Ingelmunster
Alcohol 11.0%
It has no waist style bottle. The taste is full-body and little bit sweet taste. Best served at 12 C.
Gulden Draak from Belgium
このGulden Draakはゲントにある鐘楼上部の金の像に由来します。この像は大知事十字軍遠征時の1111年にノルウェーの王がコンスタンチノープル(今のイスタンブール)に献上されたものですが、その後、十字軍の戦いの賃金のためにベルギーのフランダースに移送されました。1382年の事です。
Gulden Draak is named after the golden statue at the top of the Belfry in Ghent. The statue was originally donated to the city of Constantinople by the Norse king in 1111, during one of the first crusades. Count of Flanders ordered it to be transported to Flanders. In 1382, the cities of Bruges and Ghent even waged a battle over this statue.
Country Belgium
Brewer Br. Van Steenberge in Ertvelde
Alcohol 10.5%
It is black beer, smooth to drink. White colour bottle is unique.
Maredsous from Belgium
Maredsous 8
Alcohol 8.0%
It is black beer, but light taste, smooth to drink.
Maredsous 6
Alcohol 6.0%
It is muddied reddish brown colour beer with sour after taste.
Gouden Carolus from Belgium
Country Belgium
Gouden Carolus Ambio
Alcohol 6.5%
Mahogany coloured beer with rich and creamy foam. Strong taste with a little bit the flavour is mixed by caramel and lemon tea. Best served at 6-9 C degrees.
Gouden Carolus Hopsinjoor
Alcohol 8%
Light brown crystal colour beer with very creamy foam. Very bitter after taste. Best served at 5-7 C degrees.
Gordon from Belgium
Gordonは日本でも見受けます。それもそのはず、Gordonは今や、ベルギービール大手のジョーン・マーティン社の傘下です。Finest Goldのアルコール度数は10%、コメントにもありますように、香り、味はビールではなく、ほとんど日本酒のようです。
Country Belgium
Brewer N.V. John Martin S.A. in Genval
Foundation 1909
Gordon Finest Gold
Alcohol 10.0%
It is brown beer. The taste is strong taste due to high percentage of alcohol and also scent is similar to Japanese Sake.
Gordon Highland Scotch Ale
Alcohol 8.6%
Black beer and bitter and sweet taste. The scent is better than Guinness.
Brigand from Belgium
Country Belgium
Brewer Br. Van Honsebrouck in Ingelmunster
Foundation 1798
Alcohol 9.0%
It has no waist style bottle. The taste is good balance.
Beer-Holic, Beer-A-Holic or Beer-O-Holic???
It was an opportunity to ask to him what is the correct, Beer-Holic, Beer-A-Holic, Beer-O-Holic.
It seems that Beer-A-Holic is correct according to American colleague.
Anyway, it is coinage quoted from Workaholic.
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