
Semper Adens Carlsberg First Gold I.P.A from Denmark

カールスバーグの特別醸造版で今は醸造中止になっているものです。I.P.Aとはインディアン・ペールエール(Indian Pale Ale)の略でビールの一種、その昔イギリスがインド向けに輸出したもので、長期間の輸送に耐えられるよう、アルコール度数高く、腐敗を避けるためホップを多くしたものです。ともあれ、ただでさえ物価の高いデンマークでなんだこれっ!というほど高価なビールでした(700ml入りで49.5デンマーククローネ=約850円(当時のレート))。

First Gold is named after a characteristic type of hops, which gives this new Semper Ardens a fresh spicy aroma marked by dry apricot and notes of light smokyness. The flavour finishes with an intense bitterness caused by the big dosage of hops, which is elegantly balanced by the burtonised brew-water, water with the same salt and mineral composition as in the English Burton-on-Trent. The beer is brewed on English ale malt from Lothian & amp; Borders at the border of England and Scotland. Together with a touch of caramel malts this gives First Gold a light butty brown colour and a touch of nuts, which harmonize with melonish fruit-flavour. Enjoy the beer at 6-8 degree Celcius.

Country Denmark
Brewer Carlsberg in Valby
Foundation 1847
Alcohol 6.3%
The price is very expensive. It is 0.7L bottle size and the price is DKK49.50! Less foam, beautiful crystal amber colour. The taste is deep and good balanced. Special brewed one.

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