
Old Gambrinus Beer from Denmark

先ほどのHancock Blackと同じ会社のものです。タイプ的にはドッペルボックといって、冬~春にかけて体を温めるために飲むビール。よって、アルコール度数も高いです。ドッペルはドイツ語でダブルの意。よって、より強力です。あまりキンキンに冷やさず9℃前後で飲みます。

It is brewed by Hankock Beer same with the previous introduction beer. It is Doppel Bock type which is a beer to be warm in winter to spring season. Therefore the alcohol is higher than common one. Doppel stands for Double in German, thus the alcohol is further stronger. Such beer should not be chilled but served at 9C for drink.

Country Denmark
Brewer The hancock Beer Brewery in Skive
Alcohol 9.8%
Strong taste and the taste is good balance.

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