
Binding Export from Germany

Binding Brauereiはドイツ最大のビール会社で傘下の醸造所も含めると、25万キロリットル/年生産しています。でも、この数字、アメリカの地ビール(クラフトビール)の定義が24万キロリットル/年(2011年までの基準ですが)ですので、実際の大手メジャーから比べると大きくないです。それだけ、ドイツのビール会社は全国区がなく、地域に根ざしており、ドイツ国内に約1,300社、5,000以上の銘柄があるので、そう考えると、”ドイツ最大”が理解できます。

Binding Brauerei, which also own DAB and Berlin Kindl Brauerei, produce in total 250,000 kl per a year. but is the figure actually big, because the one of definition of craft brewery in USA is that 240,000 kl per a year. Why so small? It is because there are approx. 1,300 breweries and no less than 5,000 brands in Germany. The figure, 250,000 kl is not so small there.
Export is a kind of beer but the kind of beers is produced in Germany here and there, therefore it means "Premium" now.

Country Germany
Brewer Binding Brauerei in Frankfurt am Main
Foundation 1870
Alcohol 5.3%
It is golden colour beer with creamy foam. Good balanced and full body taste.

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