ミュンヘンの小麦を原料とした白ビール(Weissebier)です。Hefeとはドイツ語で酵母の意で、酵母入りのビール。よって、濁っており、瓶内発酵が進んでいるので、開栓した時の泡吹きがすごい。一方で、Kristall Klarは酵母を除去したもので透明感あるビールです。マグカップを掲げた修道僧のラベルがトレードマークで、日本でも見られるビールです。現在、大手Spatenの傘下ですが、Spaten生産量の半分がこのブランドです。元々の醸造所はヨセフ・セドルマイヤー(Josef Sedlmayr)によって買収され、彼の兄弟が所有するガブリエルズ プラントと合併してできたミュンヘンで最古の醸造所です。
Talking Franziskaner Beer, it is the most famous white beer brand in Munich. "Hefe" means yeast in German. Therefore Hefe-Weissebier has plenty of foam when the bottle is opened. The bottle label showing a cheerful monk holding a mug of beer. The original wheat beer brewery, bought by Josef Sedlmayr and merged with his brother Gabriel's plant, was the oldest in Munich and was next to a Franciscan monastery.
Country Germany
Brewer Spaten-Franziskaner- Bräu in München
Foundation 1363
Franziskaner Hefe-Weissbier
It is a classic of the Bavarian wheat beer style. Hefe-Weissbier means Yeast-White beer in German. Muddy and light brown coloured beer. The taste is of course very nice.
Franziskaner Hefe-Weissbier Dunkel
Alcohol 5.0%
It is a classic of the Bavarian wheat beer style. Hefe-Weissbier means Yeast-White beer in German. Muddy and brown coloured beer. The taste is of course very nice.
Franziskaner Weissbier Kristall-klar
Alcohol 5.0%
It is a classic of the Bavarian wheat beer style. Crystal and light brown coloured beer. The taste is of course very nice.
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