
Albani Odense from Denmark


Talking of Odense, needless to say, it is a hometown of Andersen. Although all expect Carlsberg or Tuborg, talking of Danish beer, it's Albani Odense in Odense. It is smooth to drink and everybody like the taste.

Albani Odense

Country Denmark
Brewer Albani Bryggerierne A/S
Foundation 1859

Odense Pilsner
Alcohol 4.6%
Smooth to drink.

Odense Classic
Alcohol 4.6%
Black beer. Smooth to drink, too.

Odense Classic Rød

Alcohol 4.6%
Brown beer. Smooth to drink, too.


Crown from Denmark


It is brewed by Carlsberg for memorial of marriage of Danish Royal family on 14th May 2004. I also watched the TV program and I feel it was recent big event, however 8 years have been passed...

Country Denmark
Brewed by Carlsberg
Alcohol 6.5%
It is brewed by Carlsberg for memorial of marriage of Danish Royal family on14th May 2004. Strong alcohol taste.

Bering Bryg Havskum from Denmark


Ceres Brewery, which was merged to Royal Unibrew, was the big brewery which ranks second to Carlsberg. The brewery brewed fruity and substantial taste beers. Bering Bryg Havskum was launched in 1959 in connection with 100th anniversary. Unfortunately, it is no longer brewed.

Country Denmark
Brewer Ceres Bryggerierne A/S in Århus
Foundation 1681
Alcohol 5.5%
This beer also fruity scent and taste. A little bit sweet taste.


Årgangs Bryg/Årgangsøl -Vintage Beers


Årgangs Bryg/Årgangsøl means Vintage Brew/Vintage Beer. This kind of beer stick to fermentation even after bottled. Therefore the taste of beer is changing day by day and year by year, thus in generally such beers are purchased per a box or dozen then open the bottle once per year on the special day such as birth day or wedding anniversary and enjoy the taste.
Such vintage beers are produced not only in Denmark but also another countries.
I purchased Danish ones by chance but I lost the opportunity to enjoy vintage beers because I opened and drank soon after purchase...

Årgangs Bryg 2004

Country Denmark 
Brewer Harboe Bryggeri A/S in Skælskør
Alcohol 10.0%
Too strong alcohol flavour. Not so good due to unbalanced.

Årgangsøl 2004

Country Denmark
Brewer Wiibroes Bryggeri in Helsingør
Alcohol 10.6%
Not so special, which means common taste.

Årgangs Bryg 2006

Country Denmark
Brewer Wilbroes Bryggeri A/S in Helsingør
Alcohol 10.6%
Too strong alcohol flavour. Brown colour and less foam and fizzy, like Whiskey taste.


Maribo Herkules from Denmark

ヘラクレスという名前のビールは世界に複数あるためか、醸造所の名前を冠して、マリボ ヘラクレスと呼ばれます。大麦を材料にしたアルコール度数高めの8%でペールエールの部類に入ります。

It is described Maribo Herkules because there are some "Herkules" beer in the world. It is brewed from Barley and hops with sugar for high fermentation.

Country Denmark
Brewer Maribo Bryghus A/S
Alcohol 8.0%
Typical Danish strong taste beer.

Limfjords Porter from Denmark


It is categorized in Baltic Porter and it is also called Gentlemen' Beer. 7.9% alcohol and very bitter taste likewise espresso. It is recommended how to drink on the label.

Country Denmark
Brewer Thisted-bryghus A/S
Foundation 1902
Alcohol 7.9%
It is black beer with very strong bitter taste. The drinking ways recommended are drinking alone, half and half, drinking with citron juice and drinking with champagne. It is good combination with chocolate.


Hancock Beer from Denmark

Country Denmark
Brewer The Hancock Beer Brewery in Skive
Foundation 1876
Alcohol 6.5%
It is crystal golden colour and not so special.


HP Bock Højt Priorieret from Denmark


Although I intend to describe regarding Bock Beer when German beers are uploaded later, anyway, Bock beer is one of category of beer which is drunk for body warming in winter and/or early spring season, i.e. high alcohol type. Thus, it should not be enjoyed with chilled but best served at 9C for slow drinking. Bock stands for Goat in German, therefore all in all, goat is drawn on the label. The beer, HP Bock Højt Priorieret, is also the same.

Country Denmark
Brewer Bryggeriet Refsvindinge
Alcohol 8.6%
It is amber colour beer and strong taste with a little bit sweet taste.


Wiibroe from Denmark


Wiibroe was founded in 1840 at Helsingør, scene of Shakespeare's Hamlet. It is light taste lager beer with hops' bitter.

Country Denmark
Brewer Wiibroes Bryggeri
Foundation 1840
Alcohol 4.6%
It is local beer in Helsingør and pilsner with proper bitter taste.


Harboe Beer from Denmark


An international Group with strong local roots in Skælskør, Harboes Bryggeri is domiciled in Skælskør, the same place where the business was established in 1883.
The Group comprises three breweries: Harboes Bryggeri, Denmark; Darguner Brauerei, Germany; Viru Õlu, Estonia – as well as the Harboefarm food company. Altogether, the Group exports products to more than 30 countries around the world.
Harboes Bryggeri is solidly anchored in the local community. This is why we support local sports clubs, for instance, to ensure our profile is visible and to play a part in the community. For many years now, we have provided sponsorship for football, badminton, handball, sailing, town festivals, music festivals and much more besides.
We wish to continue on into the future these proud traditions that have characterized the company for 125 years. In future, as a Purveyor to the Royal Danish Court.

Country Denmark

Brewer Harboe Bryggeri A/S in Skælskør
Foundation 1883

Harboe Beer
Alcohol 5.9% 
It is strong and good balanced beer. Good!

Harboe Classic 110
Alcohol 4.6%
On second thoughts, it is also pale taste. All in all, Danish beer has pale taste in spite of high alcohol.

Ren Pilsner

Alcohol 4.6%
It is good balanced beer. Good! Because brewed by Harboe Bryggeri!

Ren Pilsner 13’er

Alcohol 4.6%
Special version for Irma.
*Irma is a kind of supermarket chain in Denmark.

Bjørne Bryg

Alcohol 8.3%
It is yellowish colour and strong taste due to high alcohol.
The name means "White bear beer".

Dark Bear Stærk Bryg
Alcohol 7.7%
It is stout beer.
The name means "Dark bear strong beer".
