
Old Danish Beer from Denmark


Old Danish beer is brewed from old Danish 17 century recipe with the traditions that gives Old Danish Beer right flavour and fullness. The beer is brewed from dark and rich malt types, including Wiener and Munich malt, selected hops and good water from Ørbæk, added mead.

Country Denmark
Brewer Dansk Mjød A/S in GL. Blåhøj
Alcohol 10.15%
Mahogany colour beer and cream coffee colour foam with sweet taste.


Fur Porter from Denmark

ユトランド半島中央部にある醸造所の地ビールです。元々、ここは、この土地で産出される特殊な粘土を掘り上げる工場でした(1926-1978)。粘土採掘で栄えましたが、その後、1997年までほったらかしにされましたが、Morgen Fog氏により再生が始まります。その当時、その施設を博物館、ホテル等々に再活用しようと議論されましたが、結論が出ず、地ビール醸造所にしようと決まりました。Fog氏はビールについてまったくノウハウは無かったですが、長年のドイツ、ベルギーへの出張でビールに対するたしなみはあったようです。醸造所は地元の熟練工によって建てられましたが、ボイラーと発酵容器はチェコから、調整タンクはスロベニアから、ボトル詰め器は地元デンマークからと各国から集められ、2004年9月30日にオープンしました。900~1000人の招待客が集まり、グランドオープンを祝いました。この醸造所のおかげで地元の村おこしがなされました。

The place of the brewery factory was originally moler clay, which is a unique type of clay, production area. The factory was built in 1926. The clay production had been continued until 1978 then was taken over by Damolin's Factory. For the time being, the area laid untouched. Morgen Fog brought the property in 1997 then started renovating the buildings. But it was difficult to find a useful application, such as Museum, Gallery, Exhbit, Show Hall, hotel, B&B for the factory. Finally, Mildred and Mogens Fog decided that the building should contain a microbrewery. They did not know so much about the new trend in microbrewery at that time, but they were well acquainted with the culture from their many business trips to Germany and Belgian.
The brewery was basically constructed by local trades people and workers. The boilers and fermentation vessels were fabricated in the Czech Republic. The conditioning tanks come from Slovenia. The bottle process is Danish. The pasteurization unit is German produced.
Fur Bryghus opened on September 30th 2004 and all 900-1000 guests were invited and enjoyed the day, the sun, the food and the free beer. It is a grand day for Fur Bryghus and for Fur.

Country Denmark
Brewer Fur Bryghus ApS in Fur
Foundation 2004
Alcohol 6.5%
Stout beer but smooth to drink.


Fuglsang from Denmark


Fuglsang is located in the south of Jutland and the Danish oldest family-owned brewery. It always use malt from the Danish beneficial aspects.

Country Denmark
Brewer Bryggeriet S.C. Fuglsang A/S in Haderslev
Foundation 1865

Fuglsang Pilsner
Alcohol 5.0%
Golden colour with rich foam. Smooth to drink.

Fuglsang Golden Bird
Alcohol 5.9%
Golden colour with rich foam. Smooth to drink with fragrant flabour a little.

Fuglsang Black Bird
Alcohol 5.0%
Amber colour with rich foam. Smooth to drink with fragrant flavour.

Hvid Bock Øl
Alcohol 7.6%
Golden colour beer and less foam. Full body taste.

Alcohol 5.4%
Light amber colour beer. Smooth to drink with fragrant flavour.


Willemoes Ale from Denmark


Wilemoes Ale with liquorice is made of the best Danish malt and finest hops from America. The flavour is balanced with brown sugar and liquorice.

Country Denmark
Brewer A/S Bryggeriet Vestfyen
Foundation 1885
Alcohol 5.2%
Brown colour and rich foam. Good balanced taste.


Brøckhouse Blonde from Denmark


Country Denmark
Brewer Brøckhouse in Hillerød
Foundation 1995
Alcohol 6.5%
Bronze muddy colour and good foam. It is sour taste in spite of the colour. Best served 5-7 C degrees.

Neptun Pilsner from Denmark


Neptune does not brew in the conventional sense. Carlsberg that is mother company now, supplies it with wort which it turns into beer. It is categorized in Green Beer which is basically cerebrate the coming Spring.

Country Denmark
Brewer Saltum og Neptun Bryggerirne in Saltum
Foundation 1923
Alcohol 4.6%
Golden colour and less foam beer. Smooth to drink type.


Honey Gold from Denmark


Golden Ale with Tasmanian Leatherwood honey. Brewed for the Danish Royal Wedding in 2004. It was voted the best wedding beer at Copenhagen Beer Festival.

Country Denmark
Brewer Grauballe Bryghus in Silkeborg
Alcohol 7.5%
Amber colour beer and less foam. It is brewed by honey as well as hops but I could not feel it. 1% honey from Tasmania is contained.
