
Leikeim Premium Weisse from Germany


Hefe Weizen means non-filtered white beer, therefore it is muddied light brown colour beer. It is old style brewing method. By the way, talking of Leikeim Brewery, which was established by Johann Leikeim in 1887, has another kind beer, which is called Steinbier, it means Stone Beer in English and also old style brewing method. Metal iron pot was not so common in medieval times in Europe, therefore beer used to be brewed by wooden one. Needless to say, it could not be used fire, therefore hot stones were in the pot for brewing. Leikeim Brewery brews Steinbier by the historical method until now. I would like to try the beer one day.
Country  Germany
Brewer  Brauhaus Leikeim in Altenkunstadt
Foundation  1887
Alcohol  5.1%

It is muddy and light brown colour beer. Hefe Weizen beer style but smooth to drink.

Ureich Premium Pils from Germany

Country  Germany
Brewer  Eichbaum-Brauereien AG in Mannheim
Foundation  1679
Alcohol  4.8%

It is pale golden colour beer. Full body taste as Pilsner type and smooth to drink.

Frürstenberg from Germany

Country  Germany
Brewer  Fürstliche Privatbrauerei in Donaueschingen
Foundation  1283
Alcohol  4.8%

It is pale golden colour beer. Smooth to drink.

Darmstädter Weissbier Hefe-Hell from Germany


Country  Germany
Brewer  Darmstädter Privatbrauerei GmbH in Darmstadt
Alcohol  4.8%

It is muddy light brown colour beer. Best served at 8-12 C.
