これからハンガリーのビールです。建国当時(11世紀)からビール醸造の歴史があるハンガリー。当時はビール育成(sernevelés)と呼ばれ、地主や農家、修道院などを中心とした職業でした。企業規模のビール生産は、ドレーハー アンタル氏(Dreher Antal)がドイツバイエルン型の工場をブダペストに設立することに始まります。ドレーハービールはブダペスト界隈だけでなく、国内に広がっていき、今でもハンガリー人気ナンバーワンのビールです。
Beer was already brewed when Hungary was established in 11 century. Landowners, growers and monasteries used to brew and called "sernevelés" which means brewer in Magyer language. Mr. Dreher Antal established business sized brewery in mid of 19 century and the Dreher brand was expanded to all of Hungary and it is now the most popular brand in Hungary.
Beer was already brewed when Hungary was established in 11 century. Landowners, growers and monasteries used to brew and called "sernevelés" which means brewer in Magyer language. Mr. Dreher Antal established business sized brewery in mid of 19 century and the Dreher brand was expanded to all of Hungary and it is now the most popular brand in Hungary.
Country Hungary
Brewer Eredeti Dreher Minőség in Budapest
URL www.dreher.hu
Foundation 1854
Alcohol 5.2%
balanced and smooth to drink.
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